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Rearchitect your legacy systems and build new ​cloud-native applications.

Data & Intelligent Applications

Streamline data workflows and boost your applications with advanced intelligence.

Github Enablement

Optimize your development ​operations with our GitHub Accelerators.

your debt

Streamline the debt recovery process with a chatbot that delivers live calls, texts and emails. Escalate high risk calls to live agents with a co-pilot.


Optimize development with real-time metrics and seamless integrations. Enhance DevEx and drive cost-effectiveness using DORA and SPACE frameworks.

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Elevate your Debt Recovery Strategy with Collections AI
The AI-driven solution that streamlines your debt recovery process

As your Collections AI agent, I'll call, text and email your customers to settle small balance accounts, escalate requests when necessary and act as a co-pilot for your live agents... All with a personalized and friendly touch!

In Partnership with:
Schedule a meeting to learn more about Collections AI
See a demo and explore how Collections AI can help you maximize revenue and efficiency.
Human-like Engagement

Collections AI speaks with your customers through fluent conversations to explore and negotiate their payment options. Outreach is empathetic, personal and tailored for each customer.

Intelligent Escalation

For scenarios demanding human judgment, Collections AI escalates the case to a live human agent, ensuring complex issues are handled with the necessary personal touch.

Agent Co-Pilot

In instances where an agent’s involvement is crucial, Collections AI serves as an efficient co-pilot. Your human agents will be equipped with essential customer data & information.


Operates seamlessly across various communications platforms, including email, SMS, chatbots, and social media, ensuring consistent and effective engagement with debtors.

Natural & Sharp
AI that listens & responds

Collections Al can handle complex, multi-intent inquiries and deliver responses in under a second, maintaining natural conversation flow.

Presented by:
Nick Alexander
Design & Innovation Lead
Increases Customer Satisfaction

Empathetic outreach and leverages customer data to tailor communication strategies, tone, and content.

Understands Tone and Sarcasm

Features sophisticated algorithms to be culturally aware and detect sarcasm, making interactions respectful and productive,

Secure & Compliant

Incorporates a comprehensive understanding of relevant laws and regulations to ensure interactions are compliant.

Real-time Orchestration

Serve your customers in real time through complex behavioral science and data-driven insights.

Seamless Integration

Seamlessly integrates with CRM, ERP and other enterprise systems, ensuring data consistency and enabling a unified view.

Evolving Intelligence

Continuously enhances performance based on responses and input from agents, employing cuttin-edge NLU and NLG.

Maximize Revenue & Efficency

The precision and continual optimization you need to continually delight your customers and maintain a competitive edge.

Revenue Retrieval

Recover funds from previously abandoned receivables, which can represent millions of dollars for some enterprises.

Improve OPEX

Cut down expenses linked to traditional collection.

Resource Optimization

Allocates human resources to higher-priority tasks requiring critical judgment.

Competitive Edge

Offers an advantage in the market with efficient, customer-friendly debt recovery.

Schedule a meeting to learn more about Collections AI
See a demo and explore how Collections AI can help you maximize revenue and efficiency.
Build a Better Future.

The Architech team is passionately curious about technology and deeply invested in the leaders and teams we serve. Our success is driven through our ability to attract and retain top talent in Design, Product and Engineering.

Our mission is to Build a Better Future and we live it day-by-day.

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